Residential | Baan Poonsin
Single Detached House
2019 - 2022
“Baan Poonsin” is a 4-bedroom house with a separate multi-function loft and a guest quarter surrounding a courtyard. Although the plot size is large, the house has been designed in consideration to potential neighbor buildings in terms of privacy and wind access. Tree forms are chosen to provide the first layer of privacy and shades, whereas operable louvered panels are used for additional control as needed. The pool is strategically located to provide evaporative cooling for the main living and dining space. The space on ground floor is separated by a flowing semi-outdoor deck for better ventilation. To provide a sense of coziness to this large house, the ground floor functions are divided into smaller blocks, connected via a flowing semi-outdoor wooden deck. This configuration enhances physical and visual connectivity for family members.
Scope of services: Architectural and interior design